May 2024 elections

The May 30 election was the Democratic runoff from the March 2024 primary, with only one race on the ballot. Turnout in our precincts:

  • 132 (Research to Applegate) – 1.1%
  • 250 (Applegate to Braker) – 1.2%

The May 4 election was for three seats on the Travis County Appraisal District (TCAD) board. This is the first time we elected TCAD boardmembers. Turnout in our precincts:

  • 132 (Research to Applegate) – 2.5%
  • 250 (Applegate to Braker) – 4.4%

Complete Travis County election information

Get registered to be ready for the big election in November.

Want to help your friends, family, and neighbors get registered? More information and online training to be a volunteer deputy registrar.

March 5, 2024 election

This election included the Democratic and Republican primaries for federal, state, and county offices, such as judges, prosecutors, and the sheriff (who manages the jail). Turnout in our precincts:

  • 132 (Research to Applegate) – 4.0%
  • 250 (Applegate to Braker) – 7.2%

Complete Travis County election information

Our next election will be May 4. If you’re eligible but not yet registered, go on and get registered to be ready.

Want to help your friends, family, and neighbors get registered? More information and online training to be a volunteer deputy registrar.

November 7, 2023 election

This election included amendments to the Texas constitution about all sorts of things (teacher retirement, taxes, medical waste, …) and Travis County bonds for transportation and for parks. Turnout in our precincts:

  • 132 (Research to Applegate) – 7.1%
  • 250 (Applegate to Braker) – 13.3%

Complete Travis County election information

Our next election is Super Tuesday, March 5, 2024. If you’re eligible but not yet registered, go on and get registered to be ready for that one.

Want to help your friends, family, and neighbors get registered? More information and online training to be a volunteer deputy registrar.

May 6, 2023 election

We voted Yes or No on each of two different versions of police oversight for the City. Turnout in our precincts:

  • 132 (Research to Applegate) – 5.5%
  • 250 (Applegate to Braker) – 9.0%

Here’s complete Travis County election information

Looks like we won’t have another election until November. If you’re eligible, go on and get registered.

November/December 2022 elections

Tuesday, December 13 runoff election for Mayor
Turnout in our precincts

  • 132 (Research to Applegate) – 6.8%
  • 250 (Applegate to Braker) – 13.9%

Complete Travis County election information

Non-partisan League of Women Voters Guide / Guía No Partidista de la Liga de Mujeres Votantes

Tuesday, November 8 General Election
The Tuesday, November 8 General Election included the mayor, AISD trustees, Governor, state Board of Education, and a bunch of federal, state, and local legislators and judges. There were also AISD and ACC bonds as well as a city housing bond.

Turnout in our precincts

  • 132 (Research to Applegate) – 29.2%
  • 250 (Applegate to Braker) – 47.3%

Looks like we won’t have another election until May 2023! But if you’re eligible to vote, go on and get registered, if you’re not already.

May 2022 elections

Tuesday May 24 Party Primary Runoff
The May 24 election was the runoff from the Democratic or Republican party primaries back in March. Here’s the turnout in our precincts:

  • 132 (Research to Applegate) – 3.5%
  • 250 (Applegate to Braker) – 6.8%

Saturday May 7 Election
For the May 7 election, there were only three yes-no items on the ballot, one about law enforcement and two about property taxes. Here’s the turnout in our precincts:

  • 132 (Research to Applegate) – 5.1%
  • 250 (Applegate to Braker) – 8.8%

Complete Travis County election information

Go on and get registered, if you’re not already. We’ll have at least one more election this fall, and maybe two.

Tuesday, Nov 2, 2021 election

[Update Nov 5: Our next election will be January 25, 2022, to fill the remainder of the D4 city council term. Definitely go and get registered.]

This election included a couple of city propositions and a bunch of state constitutional amendments.

Turnout for our precincts:

  • 139 (Research to creek) – 14.6%
  • 164 (creek to Applegate) – 12.6%
  • 211 (Applegate to Braker) – 22.5%

Complete Travis County election information

Go on and get registered, if you’re not already.

Objective Q.D21: 100% of eligible voters in the planning areas are registered.
Objective Q.D22: 100% of registered voters in the planning areas vote.

Saturday, May 1, 2021 election

[Update June 2021 We will have an election in November, for state constitution amendments. So go on and get registered!]

This election was a bunch of city propositions, about negotiating fire fighter contracts, adding a city council seat, changing the law about what you can do on the sidewalk, and much, much, more!

Turnout for our precincts:

  • 139 (Research to creek) – 13.2%
  • 164 (creek to Applegate) – 10.7%
  • 211 (Applegate to Braker) – 19.3%

Complete Travis County election information

It’s possible that we could have another election in November, but the next one probably won’t be until next year. You can still go ahead and get registered, just so you’re sure you’re ready.

The big election decisionmaking that will take place over the summer and fall will be redistricting, using the new 2020 census data to adjust the boundary lines for school board, city council, and state and federal legislative seats.

Objective Q.D21: 100% of eligible voters in the planning areas are registered.
Objective Q.D22: 100% of registered voters in the planning areas vote.